Orenthal James Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed “The Juice”, is an American former football running back, broadcaster, actor, advertising spokesman. A quarter of a century after the brutal murders that turned him from A Hall of Fame football hero to a murder suspect, OJ Simpson, 71, says he lives a happy and healthy life in Las Vegas, playing golf almost every day and keeping in touch with his children.”Life is good,” Simpson told the Associated Press in a recent telephone interview from his home.

OJ Simpson owns a 5,000-square-foot mansion in a gated community in Las Vegas with a private golf course just a few miles from the Las Vegas Strip. The property has five bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms, a backyard with a putting green and a swimming pool. It’s a big change for Simpson, 70. Simpson has lived in a 125-square-foot cell with a bunk bed, toilet, and sink for most of the past decade.
